Elevate Sanitary

with Impeccable Hygiene Standards

In our rapidly evolving world, prioritizing cleanliness and hygiene is paramount, particularly in sanitary facilities. We recognize the difficulties facility managers encounter in achieving optimal sanitation and hygiene standards. To address this, we have created a groundbreaking IoT solution that transforms sanitary management with state-of-the-art monitoring capabilities. Our wide array of sanitary management solutions offers comprehensive monitoring, With our cutting-edge technology, effortlessly maintaining impeccable sanitation standards becomes a reality.

Building everything you need for optimum hygiene

Control & Visibility

Real-time data and effective inventory management for better control and visibility over sanitary supplies.

Resource Optimization

Minimize wastage and achieve cost savings through efficient usage control.

Enhanced Efficiency

Prevent stock outs and ensure supplies only when it is needed.

Easy Integration

Easy and efficient integration with your current system without interupting with any of your exisiting workflow

Revolutionizing facility management
with modern solutions

Discover the seamless integration of DOT and LINK, our versatile sensor node and gateway, designed to transform your existing toilet paper dispensers. Regardless of the make, model, or size, our products can effortlessly fit into any dispenser, eliminating the need for costly replacements. Experience the remarkable benefits of improved hygiene and enhanced sanitary management while maximizing the value of your current infrastructure. Moreover, DOT and LINK seamlessly integrate with our cutting-edge smart dispensers, granting you access to advanced features like real-time data monitoring, remote management, and predictive maintenance.

Smart Toilet Paper Dispenser

Experience the future of sanitary management with our cutting-edge Smart Toilet Paper Dispenser. Designed and developed in-house, this innovative dispenser combines advanced technology, seamless functionality, and intelligent features to elevate your restroom experience.

Advanced usage

refill alerts

High accuracy


Smart Paper Towel Dispenser

With its sleek and modern design, our Smart Paper Towel Dispenser adds a touch of sophistication to any restroom environment. Its user-friendly interface and intuitive controls make it effortless to operate, enhancing user experience and satisfaction.

Advanced usage

refill alerts

High accuracy


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SGS Telekom INC Suite 401,
200 Continental Drive, Newark,
Delaware, 19713, USA

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